Millions of children and adults in low- and middle- income countries, inflicted with terminal or life-threatening illnesses and suffering from severe physical pain, are unable to access morphine, an effective treatment that is easy and inexpensive to produce. As a call to action to address this devastating but solvable situation, on 14 March 2018 OPIS and International Doctors for Healthier Drug Policies (IDHDP) held an official side event with expert panellists during the 37th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, titled “Ending the Agony: Access to Morphine as an Ethical and Human Rights Imperative”. More info here.
On 18 May 2018, OPIS and IDHDP submitted a joint contribution to the OHCHR report on the implementation of the UNGASS joint commitment to effectively addressing and countering the world drug problem with regard to human rights.

Read also:
Why Access to Morphine is a Human Right
The post OPIS Advocates at UN Human Rights Council for Access to Morphine appeared first on Organisation for the Prevention of Intense Suffering.